Understand what Selenium is, its history, and its importance in automated testing.
Learn how to set up Selenium WebDriver, interact with web elements, and perform actions such as clicking buttons, entering text, etc.
Master various locator strategies like ID, Name, XPath, CSS selectors, etc., to identify elements on a web page.
Learn how to handle different types of web elements such as text boxes, dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.
Understand how to handle frames and alerts that appear on web pages during testing.
Learn about implicit and explicit waits to handle synchronization issues and ensure that the WebDriver waits for elements to appear before performing actions.
Learn how to handle browser pop-ups, new windows, and tabs during test execution.
Explore TestNG framework for writing test cases, executing test suites, and generating reports.
Learn how to perform data-driven testing by reading test data from external sources like Excel sheets, CSV files, databases, etc.
Understand the Page Object Model design pattern for creating reusable and maintainable test automation frameworks.
Understand how to perform cross-browser testing using Selenium WebDriver to ensure compatibility across different browsers.
Explore techniques for executing tests in parallel to reduce test execution time.
Learn how to generate detailed test reports using frameworks like ExtentReports, TestNG reports, etc.
Understand how to integrate Selenium tests with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, etc.
Nothing beats practicing and getting your hands dirty. Become a master by practicing everything you've learned so far.